The farcical idea of journalistic “objectivity”—rather than acknowledging that people are rooted in experiences of our society and their perspectives flow from that—serves to bolster existing power structures. Of course white men benefit most from pretending that their 1/x
Perception of the world an analysis is some sort of objective neutral. And anyone who dares offer a POV that critiques kyriarchy (look it up) in any way is considered deviant from this so-called “objective” norm.
Allowing people to “bothsides” when one side is white supremacist fascism is kyriarchy.

Pretending that “objectivity” means divesting oneself of a moral center or care and concern for people harmed—especially by systemic harm—is kyriarchy.
Ok ok kyriarchy (coined by feminist theologian Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza in 1992) is a social system or set of connecting social systems built around domination, oppression, and submission. It’s about how white supremacy, sexism, ableism, economic injustice etc interlock.
“This is just how it is” “there are two sides to this” “but let’s talk about reasons not to support BLM” is read as “objective” & supports kyriarchy.

“This is not how it can or should be” “there is right and wrong and we can say that these ideas are harmful” “justice matters” +
Is read as not objective because the author is revealing themselves as invested, as having personal opinions and being involved in the fight.

The lie is that those who bothsides etc do not have personal opinions or a stake in the fight. Of course they do. What they want +
Is for the system(s) that harm some people but not them to continue as is.

What they want is for people to not ask for change.

They pretend that there’s something neutral in a society that harms human beings. And that they are “rational” enough to speak cooly about it.
Everyone speaks and thinks and writes from their location in society and experiences. Everyone. Their race and gender and experiences of oppression and fear and comfort all come through every line. It’s ok to admit that.

Pretending that isn’t so harms the oppressed only.
Ok, that’s not true. I’d say privileged, entitled white men pretending to be objective (sometimes as they’re sexually harassing women! V objective indeed) are also harmed by this lie. In the same way that feminism is good for everyone ultimately.
I think pushing white guys who claim objectivity to name their exact social location and how it informs their perspective would be a gift to them. A gift of self-awareness. Of understanding. Of the ability to see other human beings and their needs in a new way.
This. To be sure.

AND the idea that a human being invested in preventing harm can’t express a positive emotion at the inauguration of a president who, in his first day, ended a discriminatory travel ban, kept people from being evicted during a deadly pandemic, +
Started addressing said deadly pandemic, took steps with regards to objectively (science!) urgent climate justice issues and (data!) systemic racism, and more—well, the idea that forcing silence about that is a value but naming investment in these things is not is kyriarchy.
Clergy! Read the prophetic texts of your tradition!

We are SUPPOSED to protect the vulnerable and fight for a just society.

Refusing to name that supports kyriarchy, supports systems that harm people. Here. Today.
Clergy don’t have to (and in many cases cannot) endorse specific candidates.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t preach, eg, “how the government treats immigrants is a desecration; here’s how to demand better” or “we all have a sacred obligation to dismantle white supremacy” etc
The decision to write this headline instead of, “an overwhelming 2/3 of the country is thrilled and relieved that we are back to taking the climate crisis seriously” was a choice. And not an inevitable one.

Always ask: who does this choice serve and what power benefits from it?
I’m just going to add examples from all of this as I come across them for the next little while.

Here, the appropriate angry response to the headline being QT
When “objectivity” is actually racism and colonialism.

There is no neutral position, perspective or lens.
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