I generally enjoy this podcast breaking down @theholdsteady songs, and this episode was good, but I thought they didn't talk enough about one of the most striking things about the song, namely how simple that central hook is. https://twitter.com/DanielShortman/status/1351874505275289602
What I mean is that the thing that made the song really pop off the radio and made me say "I need to hear more from this band" wasn't any guitar heroics, but that seven-note chugging break in the middle of the chorus.
I think that's a sneaky strength of the band (also key to the next song, "Banging Camp")--much as I love @tadkubler solos, their secret weapon is silence: everything else cutting out in "Hoodrat" for those seven notes, or the pause in "Banging" before everyone crashes back in.
That's some really sharp songwriting and recording, not just having cool flourishes here and there, but knowing when to STOP for moment to make everything else work better.
This thread brought to you by "Hoodrat" coming up on shuffle play as I was cooking just now, not long after listening to that podcast episode.
(Side note: I liked the observation that a good alternative title for the song would be "Here's a List of All the Reasons You Might Suspect Me of Getting With Your Little Hoodrat Friend")
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