There will not be an “illegal” referendum. Even the SNP are not proposing that. They are proposing an irrelevant or meaningless referendum. Even that is possibly illegal (depends on the question) but they are undertaking to abide by any ruling of the Supreme Court on that.
Problem is there has been a referendum in 2014. 1,7 million voted yes. Would they get that in a meaningless or irrelevant referendum sometime in the next 5 years? Not a chance. This is about throwing a bone to their flag wavers who also happen to be their main door knockers.
Why would anybody pay any attention to a meaningless poll that delivered fewer yes voters than in 2014? More likely such a result would actually strengthen Westminster’s hand. “See, people are not that bothered”.
It is not about having an actual referendum. It is, as always, about simply having a grievance. Which of course also provides a cover or excuse for their comprehensive failure at day to day devolved government.
I should say I predicted this would be the Nats next move as long ago as March 2018. Long blog so you can skip the first two thirds if you like.
Point is this might look like meaningful activity but it’s not. It is simply internal party management. As a “plan”, even if attempted, it would founder. Either on the rocks of the courts or the high seas of the indifference of the electorate.
There is no plan B. There is only the illusion of one being held up to the stupid.
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