The hiring landscape in #tech ( #html #react #javascript #php) isn't what it was 10 years ago. Lots of advice is outdated.

I help diverse groups of people land jobs in tech.

Here's what you need to know in 2021.
Space out your initial interviews

Give yourself time to learn from and grow after each interview. Missed specific technical questions? First interview didn't go so well?

Use the break to be better prepared for the next interview.
Improve every week.

No one "finishes" learning how to code. Even when you're ready, keep practicing. With continued practice, you will be a more senior developer during later interviews than you were on day 1 of interviewing.
Don't interview at your dream job(s) first.

Interviewing is a skill. You get better as you go. The first interviews usually don't go as well for beginners.

So wait until you've had some practice before interviewing for your dream jobs.
Do multiple interviews in quick succession

I know it sounds contradictory, but hear me out.

Once you're good at interviews & confident, don't space your interviews out too much. Employers give you ~1wk to respond to their offer.

Aim to receive all offers at the same time.
Most interviewers aren't prepared.

The dirty secret of the industry is that most small-to-mid sized tech companies have no clue how to interview. They pick a manager & a developer and tell them to interview candidates in-between their other responsibilities.

It's mostly random.
Redirect questions you can't answer

If you know why a question was asked, but don't know the answer, you can still give a good answer.

If they ask you: "How do you use useContext?
You may surmise the reason: "Do you understand hooks?"
How to answer if you don't know:
You: "I haven't needed that. But I'm very comfortable w/hooks. I utilize useEffect to [...]."
Interviewer: "Great!"

Worst case scenario say "I don't know but I'd love to learn more about it! I'll check it out."
Portfolios matter

W/poor interviewing, employers look for other hiring signals. Portfolio & resume.

Make your portfolio look good. Create a website for an imaginary business. Better yet, build one for a family member or friend's business, even if they don't end up using it.
Resume: accomplishments > titles

Beginners may not have relevant work experience. Extract skills which ARE applicable to the new job.

If you e.g. worked at mcdonalds, include:
- In a customer-facing role
- Self-directed
- High productivity
- Comfortable working on a small team
Remember why they're hiring

Unless you're applying for an internship, your goal is to convince them that you'll make their lives easier. Keep that in mind. Be creative, helpful, and flexible (within reason).

Give them a reason to hire you.
Many job listings are fake.

Many companies say they're hiring when they aren't. They do this to signal to their customers that they're growing/in-demand.

It's tacky but prevalent.
Create your own opening.

Small companies are too busy to review 100 resumes, especially when they need help. So they don't list jobs.

DM their employee & ask+explain how you can help. Offer to start on a part-time trial.

Make the process easy & they might just hire you.
Social media is the new minimal background check

Employers glance at *public* social media profiles before hiring. Your social media posts can help, hurt, or not-impact your hiring chances. Make your profile private or curate your feed while you're job hunting.
Be kind to yourself.

Landing a job is time consuming. It's part art, part luck, you're competing against the whole world for remote jobs, and it's not a level playing field.

Yes, continue learning.

But resting and looking after your health is just as important.
Additional considerations for underrepresented in tech

- Work with allies before & during interviews
- Toxic cultures are real, but avoiding them is a privilege not everyone can afford
- Job hopping initially is OK
Look for allies

Look for people who are welcoming and understand you. Ask those people to refer you to their companies or to point you to inclusive companies.

@venikunche's  is a good example. She aims to limit her job board to only inclusive companies.
First job may be toxic.

Startups often don't have a "code of conduct" or a quality HR team. The founders may be blind to issues others face.

It's usually easier to get hired at companies like that.

But saying no to those job offers is a privilege not all can afford.
Early on, job hopping is OK.

Don't feel obligated to stick around your first job for 1 year. Especially if you are underpaid or have toxic colleague(s).

Being employed while interviewing makes you more desirable to others. If it's safe, stay 1-3mo & job hunt while employed.
I've got more to say on this topic, but feels like the thread's plenty long!

I'm a web developer ( #drupal & #react), entrepreneur, & founder @DebugAcademy

I share tips on starting a company and getting into #tech.

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You can follow @ashabed.
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