Let me re-iterate something ive said repeatedly, in other words, but maybe not this blatant. The coronavirus pandemic is SO awful and SO tragic....because of White people. Yes thats gonna ruffle feathers, and whatever.
But its almost a direct 100% correlation between the percentage of an ethnically "white" population, that feels entrenched and entitled, and the prevalence of unchecked covid spread.
Lets go through the lists, shall we? US, goes without saying. United Kingdom? Same. Italy and France? Yep. Russia? Also. Brazil? Bingo. Argentina (who almost saw a government collapse) whitest country in Latin America. Germany? Bingo. With the exception of Mexico and Iran
the top 15 countries look remarkably similar in that regards. An entrenched population and leadership class that is ethnically similar who doesnt feel like "the rules apply to me".
India has a similar problem, that is non white, given its caste system.
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