Regarding the 'swindling lit mag' discourse: at first I wasn't going to comment because I didn't want to take attention away from mags who aren't paying, but I want to be transparent. I don't know exactly what prompted this in the first place, and I don't mean to drag it (1/?)
out, so I'll try to make this thread short. First, please understand that all editors are in different positions and they're not obliged to reveal their personal circumstances to 'prove' that they can't pay contributors. I cannot afford to pay contributors what I wish I (2/?)
could, especially not without constantly re-evaluating how much of a risk I can take. I'm unemployed and the one thing that is keeping me from being broke is the fact that I'm staying with my mum and don't have to pay rent right now. However, I'm in a position where I am (3/?)
somewhat able to and willing to take the risk and offer my current contributors a small payment. This isn't easy. I've spent a ludicrous number of hours over the past few months calculating and recalculating potential finances and print sales over and over again to make (4/?)
sure that I'm not taking TOO big of a risk. Especially because I plan on making the issue available online at a later date for free, to make it accessible to everyone, I am quite literally relying entirely on this community's support, generosity and willingness to buy print (5/?)
copies to cover payment (and price of print, postage, etc.), with no actual evidence of how much we might sell. I'm not going to keep any of the money. I'm not even going to use it to cover the cost of web hosting, which I was only able to pay for because I was a boss at (6/?)
managing my student loan and had some left after graduating. But again, it's my choice to take this risk, and at the very least I know a couple of friends/family will purchase copies to support this mag. What I'm trying to say is: not everyone can take such a risk. I really (7/?)
wish I could guarantee that I could offer the same to future contributors, but if this limited print run isn't successful, then I won't be able to; this is essentially a trial run for us. Honestly, I'm still new here so correct me if I'm wrong, but I find it ironic that the (8/?)
majority of people who have a problem with non-paying mags are those who seem to be able to afford supporting them, and choose not to, and then complain about not receiving monetary support in return. This is a two-way street, right? Please remember that. đź’ś (9/9)
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