One thing I cannot and will not get over is the fact that this country has frame half of its citizens in a shameful negative light while claiming those are the opposite end of the spectrum are the arbiters of truth and justice. 2020 was they year that showed us corruption.
To start, the pandemic is one a small factor that lead to the destructive events. Regardless of the death of one man, it cause an uproar that was not rebuked or condemned. It caused cities to be burned, stores to be looted, and violence to reign in the streets.
It helped to create autonomous zone in places that literally were sectioned off by riotous individuals while the city leaders and law enforcement sat on their hands and did little to nothing to start it. As of today, it continues to be a chaotic area outside of gated communities.
As a result of the ensuing catastrophic wave of desolation, people lost their jobs, their livelihoods, their way of earning a living, and even their businesses or homes while the side of truth and justice told them 'insurance would cover it' doing nothing to help those in need.
These so called heroes were told they could harass you at your home, topple statues with disregard, vandalize everything in sights, and ultimately create a commotion in the streets, getting away with it while you had to sit back and watch your nation go up in smoke. Very callous.
The resulting damage cause $2 billion dollars in estimated damages, money that could have went to desperate American families during the pandemic crises but instead, they had the audacity to tell us that $600 in a stimulus check is generous enough.
These are the same individuals that were kneeling to a falsehood, a pseudo ideology of corrective retribution that did more harm than good. Separating Americans from any type of salvageable unification or realization of the real threats to our democracy or lack thereof.
All it took to stir the pot was an incident at the Congressional level to make the feel afraid, to instill a fear that made them realize that they were not in control. However these people that had nothing to do with previous events against the citizens were branded at threats.
They were called domestic terrorists, insurrectionists, desecrators of the sacred hall of the Capitol. They redirected their anger and frustration on those that would not hurt the people but the apathetic powers at be. These are they same people who were not affected getting paid
For the longest, they were calling half the country who voted for Trump Nazis, deplorables, fascists, and were told if you every encounter these people to punch them in the face, or mock and ridicule them. It was never about peace or stability, but fostered hatred and bigotry.
I cannot stress this enough that we cannot overlook 2020 coming into 2021, remember that the government agencies, the media, big tech and corp, all will call you evil for existing. They are hypocrites and do not have the best interest for Americans in mind. They want a great fall
They want to replace you with cheaper labor while cavorting with foreign nations and nationals to sell you out. Everything done in secrecy while laughing in front of your face. How long will we stand for this? Why do we accept this? Why is there no accountability? No dignity.
If you think you are on the right side of history because you believe you defeated a 'dictator' of 'totalitarian' leader, then you have not seen the real horrors of global regimes with such cruel leaders. You are delusional and played right into their schemes. You are guilty.
When this country falls like all great empires, you will not be able to hold onto your self righteous virtues. These virtues you uphold are a shadows of darkness meant to strangle the American nation and people. We are imploding. We are being surrounded and circled by the enemy.
I can only pray and hope that people will begin to realize what has transpired and will not allow this to continue any longer. If those in power dictate that we have no authority or sovereignty directed by the hands of the people against the elites, then we have no future left.
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