The only insurrectionist shot dead by Capitol police was a 14yr veteran of the US wars on Iraq and Afghanistan
Like Ashli Babbitt, Jessica Watson is a white woman and a veteran of the US war in Afghanistan. Babbitt was Air Force. Watson was Army.
We are told: Babbitt, who survived regime change wars overseas only to be killed attempting regime change at home, “loved her country & she was doing what she thought was right to support her country,joining up w/ like-minded people that also love their president & their country”
Even as she pummeled her way through the doors that held back the mob braying for violence from the upper echelons of U.S. government, this veteran of US wars & other white women are still remembered for the best versions of themselves. That is privilege
Babbitt and the other veterans who stormed the Capitol remind me of the men who joined the mujahideen to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan only to return home to Egypt or Algeria and turn their guns on their own governments.

Is the U.S. ready to make those connections?
And is the US going to do anything about the fanatics *inside* the Capitol who incited and supported the fanatics who stormed the Capitol? Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are dangerous and vile
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