No spectators allowed at Hawes mart yesterday - so here's how it's gone in the past. Firstly, we get there just as the sun tries to show itself over Hawes, on a bitterly cold morning
We're a bit late getting there, what with stopping to take photos, so we'll nip straight through the mart to the icy pens outside...
where the judging is already in progress
The temperature is around -4C, so Andy Fawbert has done another button up on his shirt
Judging over, let's head to the tea van for a bit of a warm up
...and then head inside
where Anthony Hartley is still judging the Herdwicks
Even further inside, in the auction ring, it's just about warm enough for the BFL judging
...where some entrants appear to have BFL envy
All judging over, the BFLs get their final face wash and the sale's about to start
Here's Nikki fetching her herdies in, while @Sharpr1966 (under the watchful eye of the #QueenOfHerdwicks) and Arnold Lancaster (with his reserve champion) have already been through the ring
And, eventually, it's all over and time to head back home, over Newby Head into the setting sun. Another sale day over
With ofc, a stop off at Ribblehead
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