If we're being honest? NetGalley's mixture of the archive, ratio, and "not reviewing" option still counting against your ratio ultimately hurts/penalizes the readers.

And to what end? A large chunk of publicity comes from us reviewing ARCs and talking about them.
What's the point of arbitrarily penalizing your users when we don't get to a book quick enough for NetGalley's liking?

And they're practically making us review books we didn't read or only halfway skimmed because of the pressure of the archive date and the fact that books under+
+"not reviewing" still count against the ratio. It makes no sense, especially since NetGalley is supposed to be a tool for publishers/authors to use in order to create hype about their books.
The reasons above as well as deleting a disabled user's account for not giving reviews they deem good enough/explaining why they can't always give in-depth reviews are why I deleted my account.

At this point, it's pretty clear to me that NetGalley (and some publishers) don't+
+actually care about the readers/reviewers. Not only due to the anecdotal standpoint of the disabled reader's account being terminated, but also from the very way in which NetGalley runs its site as a whole.
Anyway, @emtheweird's thread on why she deleted her NG account got me thinking about all this. Go check it out, if you want! https://twitter.com/emtheweird/status/1353279525409476609?s=19
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