This is scary..
Daily trust interview with Sheik Gumi:
Q: As you move to some of these dangerous terrains, don’t you fear for your safety?

I am not afraid of the bandits. I am more afraid of those people who capitalize and exploit them. When we asked some of the bandits why they
kidnap people, they said they don’t know the rich people, they don’t go to towns but there are people in the cities who ask them to attack certain rich people. So, the bandits are only agents. When the ransom is paid, it belongs to those people in the town, the bandits are only
paid operational fee. If you see them, they are tattered. One of the commanders was wearing slippers and you just can’t see any sign of the millions on them. So, those are the people I fear because we live in the city with them and because they fear that we are trying to break
their chain or hold on their agents. The people I fear are those that are capitalizing on the weakness of the Fulani to indoctrinate them with their own ideology.
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