1/ One of the issues that GOT me on Twitter was this: the Medicaid cap in those states who chose not to expand Medicaid.
This affects too many.
A great summary worth (another) thread.
The Coverage Gap: Uninsured in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid https://www.kff.org/55579f6/ 
2/ The Gap are those adults/families who make too much to qualify for Medicaid; but too for affordable health care.
If they remain uninsured, they forgo health care. And if/when they do need it, they face potentially serious financial consequences incl medical bankruptcy
3/ Medicaid expansion is/was part of PPACA (aka Affordable Care Act).
12 states to date have STILL not expanded Medicaid.
There is no deadline to expand, approx 12MIL people.
Most are in the South.
And most are in states with the largest uninsured populations (not surprisingly).
4/ This Medicaid Gap distribution therefore exacerbates geographic health care disparities in the US.
But also racial ones: because many of these states have large populations of people of color, decisions not to expand Medicaid disproportionately affect them.
Last: This affects every pt-but should be of utmost importance to EVERY PROVIDER.
I'm attending #CCCongress21: every discussion about the "next best med" is useless if a pt CANNOT AFFORD HEALTH CARE.
If we want to truly care for pts, we need to be advocating for this FIRST.
You can follow @DrsMeena.
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