Bruno Satin [Former Agent of JC Todibo] told @calciotoday_it: “We are happy for the work we did to take Todibo to Barcelona, but I no longer take care of his interests. He has a difficult character and has never heard the advice of [Eric] Abidal, former SD” FCB 🇫🇷💥

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He adds: “The club believed in him, but Todibo believes that he’s a phenomana. That's why his adventure in La Liga didn't go well” @calciotoday_it #FCB 🇫🇷
“We did a miracle taking him to Barcelona , but that is not enough to get him to the top. Todibo has great qualities, but does not have humility. He is not the only one, few young players have it today” @calciotoday_it #FCB
“But when you step into a locker room of a big club you have to learn from the veterans, it works like this everywhere, you can't enter [the locker-room] as one of them. Things will eventually come together, but it takes time and patience” @calciotoday_it #FCB 🇫🇷
“Is Todibo still a great prospect? It depends on him. He has a great physicality and athletic skills, he has everything to do well. But it's his head that needs to improve. He has to find the right concentration” @calciotoday_it #FCB 🇫🇷
“There are players who are less talented than him and yet have managed to emerge. He must want to learn a lot more and not believe like a phenomenon. To date, he has not fully understood how it works and those close to him do not help him” @calciotoday_it #FCB 🇫🇷
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