That was a tough one to take last night. I'd be struggling to look anyone in the eye if I played for Hibs after the reaction to the second goal. It really was pathetic, totally surrendered at that point.
In terms of Ross, I think Cadden was a bad choice, he clearly wasn't fit, struggled to get up and down the pitch. The decision to keep Porteous on isn't a good look either as he was directly involved in conceding the first two goals and was limping for long periods.
While I don't think tactics or shape was a problem, as we controlled the first half and should have scored in that period, he made a couple of wrong decisions IMO. To lose 2 winnable semis, so close together and in the manner, especially last night, he could struggle to come back
He has been backed and the character of the team still lands at the managers door. He signed 6 of the players starting last night and promoted Doig so it is definitely his team. If they surrender so meekly he has to take a large chunk of the blame.
His man management and motivational skills are his talked up attributes. That really wasn't apparent last night, the players completely folded after going 2 down. There wasn't even a hint of a rally. Any bad form, there will be calls for his head now.
Any credit in the bank he had is gone and this could easily be the beginning of the end. It's hard to argue with anyone feeling that way, it's difficuly to see Hibs being in a better position to win trophies as they were in the two competitions this season.
If you can't get a tune out of the players in these clutch moments, then everything else becomes a bit pointless. All the other work you do as a team is really building to these opportunities. Top 6 or a game or two in Europe won't really be enough if failing in these big games
Rightly or wrongly, the big games are what sticks in the memory and gets the fans excited, keep failing in those, folk don't care about winning at Rugby Park or Fir Park.
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