What I learnt from my divorce, and what every girl should know before they marry:

1. Please, please don't feel shy about stipulating as many conditions as you want in your nikah contract. I genuinely felt like I was being demanding, but it could've saved me.

Here's an example:
2. Have multiple witnesses on *your* side and make sure whatever you agree on, is written down and each get a copy.
My dad had someone who happened to be my ex FIL's friend, and I'm just going to say may Allah deal with him promptly. Ameen
3. Be specific: My gold, mahr, outfit and ring money was 8k in total. The mahr was 2k, but my pesky in-laws wrote 8k on the actual cerficate! They then hid it from me, and on the day of my nikah, my father's copy was lost.
Every time I asked for it, they ignored me.
4. This led to a huge issue during my khula where they asked for 8k (AND my gold) because the actual certificate said so, and the person who was meant to be a witness for my father, disappeared.
I offered the 2k they gave, but the "proof" said otherwise.
5. Read up on the types of divorces you can have in Islam. More often than not, a khula will place a woman at a disadvantage because judges are easily bought.
a) talaq
b) khula
c) faskh
d) talaq-i-tafwid (I recommend stipulating this)
6. Just in case, keep what you can at your mum's.
Take your gold, dress, etc... after the wedding day, keep your bank statements to yourself.
My ex saw mine and then refused to do his duties because I had more than him. Alhamdulillah my gold is safe!
7. It's not possible for everyone but this helped me escape my abuser. Learn to drive, buy a car, have savings, a job, tell someone you trust if something seems off. Don't isolate yourself, don't rely on your husband alone.
8. This should've been first but do your due diligence and go to the right people.
My ex, being a narc, was able to hide his true self for 24 years, praised by everyone. One woman said she'd take him for her daughter, same woman knew he was a porn addict.
9. How someone can argue that any more than 3 meetings is too many? Interrogate them, get your family to interrogate them, rephrase questions and check for consistency. Don't be shy, ask about porn, opinions on consent, feminism, etc...
Learn the signs of abuse. Protect YOU.
A friend married a guy after meeting him ONCE. He says he knows his obligation, but 3 years and she's paying for everything, and he does free da'wah work "fi sabeelillah" and that's where his duties lie apparently. He's too comfortable to do anything about it.
Another girl married a guy after 2 weeks of back-to-back meetings.
He can't even use his own washing machine, she learnt for him. The room is only clean if she cleans it.
She works, studying at uni, cooking and cleaning for his entire family.
He's giving da'wah with the bros 😑
Another girl who was abused to no end. Husband addicted to porn, and she caught them talking one day, trying to find ways to blame her and take her money and daughter.
She recorded their meeting and only then did she get her divorce because it would ruin their rep.
No matter how wonderful a man seems, do not be complacent, don't trust easily, don't think that they wouldn't do it to you just because you wouldn't either. Not everyone has a heart like yours.

Any man who refuses doesn't want the best for you. Think thrice before you sign.
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