Did you @devisridhar live on this planet before COVID-19? Do you have any sense of the calamity caused by your recommendations? Do you realise how unrealistic your proposal is? Do you have a basic understanding of how viruses work? 1/n https://twitter.com/AlistairHaimes/status/1352904552845086723
The pandemic is sustained with the bad public health policies that you [ @devisridhar] are advocating.
Please look yourself in the mirror and think very hard.
People are killing themselves.
People can't put food on their table anymore.
Children are suffering. 3/n
Our freedoms & liberties are under attack.
We are living in police states.
Informed consent is not respected.
Bodily autonomy is out of the window.
Coercion is the norm.
Loss of joy and hope is rampant.
Are these not important @devisridhar?
Please wake up @devisridhar. Go back to the books you have studied in.
Do you remember that “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”?
Do you remember basic principals in public health?
Do you remember @devisridhar that people must be informed about risks and mitigations and allowed to make their own choices?
Do you remember that we need to respect people and allow them to exercise their human agency? 6/n
You know @devisridhar that when we, public health practitioners meet to discuss a health crisis/a health problem, we talk about messaging that is informative and not alarming. We avoid creating fear. Never was messaging manipulative and fear-inducing. 7/n https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT04460703
You know very well @devisridhar that none of the pre-covid pandemic guidelines advocated for what you are preaching. Lockdowns. Mask mandates. Travel restrictions. Health passports.
All were not part of the public health toolbox.
This is a disgraceful reinvention of pub. health
You know very well that in public health we aim to reduce total harm. We never have a myopic vision of outcomes. It's never about a single disease. Have you looked @devisridhar at the mounting collateral damage? 9/n https://collateralglobal.org/about 
Did you consider what is happening to cancer, TB, HIV, and coronary heart disease patients who did not receive medical care for several months now? Why are their lives not important?
Did you consider children who depend on the school meal for their subsistence?
You know @devisridhar that we must conduct a cost-benefit analysis before proposing or implementing a strategy.
Have you looked at the heavy price we are paying for the current strategy? 12/n https://thepriceofpanic.com/ 
You know @devisridhar that there is nothing ethical or even commonsensical about what is happening right now.

So please take your ego out of the spotlight and think about what people need right now and what is the way out of this dystopic state. 13/n
Stop @devisridhar creating a divide among people. Stop blaming them for what they have no control over.
Accept that this virus can NOT be contained.
This is not Ebola. This is a common respiratory virus!! 14/n
Let's focus on what is within our control.
1)stop inflating cases & inflating deaths.
2)protect the vulnerable in order to reduce hospital admissions.
3)support our healthcare workers so they can stay strong & care for their patients.
4)provide preventive and early treatment 15/
Let's deal with the collateral damage before it is too late.

Let's introduce system checks so that this overreach in power never gets repeated again.

Let's think about the children and think about their future.

Let's focus on life and go back to living compassionately.
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