I have something to say about milkđŸ„›. These anti milk adverts are making me angry, particularly the ones about ‘talk to your dad’. I finally worked out why 1/8
My dad was born in the post war years. His two sisters were born during the war. My granny was bombed out her house and nearly lost her leg, she was in pain with it the rest of her, thankfully, long life. They lived in Clydebank which suffered terribly in WWII 2/8
When the town was being bombed the men weren’t allowed out the shipyards (their labour was too valuable to risk losing them). The gates were locked and they had to watch the bombs reigning down on their mums, wives, children 3/8
So imagine having gone through this, and having had two children in the middle of it and trying to keep them safe from the bombs and fed during rationing. When you couldn’t even get enough of the basic foodstuffs for your children, including milk 4/8
Then my dad came along after the war, and milk was once again plentiful, available and affordable. Something good to give your child. My dad is a little rotund in the photos of him as a kid! No surprise why, rationing gone and his parents fed him up, including with milk! 5/8
So he grew up drinking milk, and that generation gave their own children milk too. For me that was in the 80s when there was a lot of rubbish on the shelves. But you know what’s in a glass of milk, whatever else your kid eats, if they had some milk they had had something good 6/8
So really this is a story about two generations of parents trying to do something good for their children and a marketing company trying to make them feel bad to make money. I know they want the controversy, that’s how it works 7/8
Drink whatever you like today but my dad and I will be having a glass of #milk đŸ„› 8/8
A couple of points to add - my mum cooked just about everything from scratch when we were growing up so I personally didn’t eat rubbish in the 80s. And my dad was followed by 2 more children, I think they are probably milk drinkers too.
AND there are a lot of people in the West of Scotland who for various reasons have a really terrible diet. Lots of them do drink milk however. Please don’t demonise this product and put people off it.

OK I’m done.
Actually I’m not. If you try and give me an imitation milk product in my flat white without telling me, as someone once did, I will rip your head off and shove it up the backside of a cow.

Now I’m done.
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