It's how you all have everything to say about Erica. You scrutinize her every move and words. Call her unprintable names because she broke down on a show after bottling up so much emotions.
Not like the so called 'victim' was without blame too. Of course, you don't know this because you didn't watch the show.

You want to project mental illness on the young woman so bad but it won't work
As humans, with family love and positivity all around you. Can you say you are always happy 24/7?

Don't you have your bad days?
Don't you have down times?
But because Erica is a celeb who you watched on a reality TV show, she can't express herself or how she feels because her fans raised money for her?

She will be in your faces for a very long time so you all better get used to seeing her and hearing her rant.
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