#next 'Last Call: The rise and fall of prohibition'
#DanielOkrent #Prohibition #history #drugpolicy #alcoholpolicy
"The Germans brought not only beer itself but a generation of men who knew how to make it, how to market it, and how to pretend it was something it was not." #liquidbread
"By 1875 onward, fully one-quarter of federal revenues came from the beer keg and the whiskey bottle, a proportion that in 1913 would lead a prominent #temperance leader to describe this generous source of funds, not inaccurately, as 'a bribe on the public conscience'."
"For those willing to risk the perils of unlawful activity, selling liquor without having to pay state or federal taxes was a business model of considerable appeal. Vastly enhanced profit margins could underwrite a lot of the overhead associated with lawbreaking." #Prohibition
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