Please read this thread.
The NYTimes is not an Indian publication, and we have a whole lot of problems of our own. Why, then, am I sharing this? Because I'm afraid that this exact same behavior will soon be replicated everywhere, especially India.
Lauren Wolfe is a queer woman who was fired for one (1) tweet where she said she "had chills" watching Joe Biden landing before the White House on the 20th.

She wasn't fired because of the scale of her alleged transgression. She was fired because she has no clout.
I am disheartened and angry and very, very scared.

Journalists can have years of stellar work under their belts. But in the absence of social media clout, it will amount to nothing; they will be fired. All because of bad-faith, 'fake outrage' tactics by the right wing.
The growing dependence on 'personal brands' will be the death-knell of journalism. Demanding that journalists have an "organic" social media following is FASCIST. Treating them differentially based on their respective clout scores is FASCIST.
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