How not to be a #CodeNewbie?

I talk to hiring managers and CEOs to place my students via @roc8HQ.

Everyone is looking for experienced folks and understandably so. They want to ship fast. Training an absolute newbie takes time.

Thread 👇 to help u project experience.

Portfolio of projects

Most basic but often overlooked stuff. Show the employer that you can code an app.

What better way to show this by actually coding few apps and putting it on your portfolio?!

Speaking of portfolio..

It's not only for designers and photographers. Have an address on Internet.

Don't be fancy. But help your prospective employers see your top 5 projects. And some blogs.

Resumes are outdated. They're for HR.

Standard projects

If you create projects which every other tutorial is doing (looking at you ToDo), no one's gonna take you seriously.

Make usable, industry standard projects. I'll be putting up another thread on this alone soon.

Mature coding practices

Taking care of simple things helps you stand out

- variable naming
- file folder structure
- code comments
- commit names, branch names, PRs.
- latest and best coding practices of your language of choice.

Add documentation

Host your code on Github. Put some thought in Readme.

- hosted url
- gif to showcase
- how to run the project
- issue report template
- simple future roadmap

Show that you care about user and contributors both.

Add tests

Nothing shows maturity of a developer like unit tests in a repo.

You'll be amazed that even experienced folks don't know how to write tests in the first place. Writing good tests, and writing testable code are on a different level.

Go for the level upgrade

Next level: Hard problems.

If you have good projects already, go for:

- component library
- open source contribution
- your own libraries to publish your own abstractions. Don't worry if there's 100 like that. You're doing it to learn.

Solve hard problems.

Talk about hard problems.

- Go to meetups and conferences to talk about your library or contribution

- publish blogs, tweet threads on your journey. Document and build in public.

- you can even record tutorials for your library and put it on YouTube.

Communication is key

Many companies hire from known colleges cuz they're safe bet. They know that if nothing these kids can communicate well.

Yes, the bar is that low sometimes.

Thus, you write, tweet, speak about your challenges as much as possible.


You don't have to do everything on this list. But use it as a Northstar.

By doing some of this you're projecting confidence in your abilities as a dev. Making them feel safe to take a bet on you.

You can follow @tanaypratap.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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