Before I drift to sleep, I will remind everyone why I love St Joseph so much.

1) because once, now years ago, when I felt I was drifting to demonic possession, out of nowhere I cried "Joseph, father of Jesus, HELP ME". And HE DID. Only later did I learn he was terror of demons.
2) out of all persons in history, out of all men on earth, Joseph - hard-working father and husband, man who feared the Lord and was experienced in suffering - is uniquely reviled by atheists and satanists as a "cuck" for raising the infant God as his own son.
These Godless and God-hating worldlings hate Saint Joseph because he took God into his household and taught God how to walk, taught God how to speak, came back home from a long day's work and brought God a toy. Played and prayed with God. Taught young God how to work.
This man, this unspeakably holy man, has clasped God on the shoulder and said "good job, son". This man, this thing of earth, this clay mannequin no bigger than you or me held his son's hand and asked him "take care of your mom" and died, clasping on to God's hand.
God can look on this little thing of clay, this infinitesimally small stick figure who is waving his arms and going "are ya winning, son?" and honestly reply "yes, dad". And that "yes" is the victory by which we are his adoptive sisters and brothers, children of God.
For all eternity, before all of heaven and hell and all the host of Creation, God will stand triune, but off to the Son's corner will be two very small and very beautiful thrones, where will sit, forever in their kid's gaze and blazing like suns eternal: God's mom and God's dad.
The virgin Mary will be repaid a billion-fold for the slur she bore a bastard. Every atom of every particle will confess she is forever and always the mother of God. And good saint Joe will be honored above all, because God will call him "dad".
And that's why I love good saint Joe. Once all the fireworks happen Mary is the glorious one, Mary is the one who can tell eternity "I was the godbearer".

But I'm still with good and holy saint Joe, the worker, the terror of demons. He's one of US. He gets it.
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