A few reflections on the union debate. Firstly, independence/ reunification is an ever present fault line. But Brexit has made it (at least for now) a very serious issue. The recognition of this pretty obvious point is necessary to figure out how to chart a way forward.
Democracies function by consent and not by coercion. People have to feel that they want to belong. If they feel that they don’t then they’ll look for a different solution. Independence is an obvious answer. And so is emigration (which I suspect will become a thing).
The root cause of the current problem, much more so than the personalities etc, is that people don’t feel their interests are properly or fairly represented. Brexit has given everyone (on both sides) a very tangible lightning rod to grasp.
The government in Westminster can prevaricate, cajole, block, come up with all sorts of cunning plans, but this misses the point entirely. Even if you don’t necessarily support the political party in power people have to feel as if the government has their interests at heart.
You can’t run the state as if it’s an extension of a political party. If you do, everything will fall apart. And that is what is happening at the moment. Act in the browser interest and maybe just maybe people will think the union is worth saving. But if not...
* broader ☺️
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