Kumbharpada(translates to Potters village) a locality just outside Puri town known for one very specific clay pot."Kudhua" which is used to cook the famed Maha Prasad for centuries at Puri Temple is made here for centuries using skill passed down for generations.
First made into pots without bases,the bases are attached to it later using special tools which are customer made for the job and a wooden bat to give it the surface that is typical to a Kudhua.
Once the perfect shape has been hand crafted,it's left to dry and then baked in traditional ovens using dried coconut husk and dried hay giving it their distinctive red colour.
These clay pots are purpose built and are sent to temples across the state.
Once used they are discarded,biodegrading back into the soil or at times used to plant the holy basil tree.
This ensures 2 things,hygiene at cooking and a continuous stream of work for the potters.
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