Twitch doesn't want to kick all the shitty people off it's platform. They don't want to do anything that will massively shrink their user base and they know, they have the datta that shows that removing shitty people would be a huge blow to their business.
This is where services like Netflix have an edge over them. Netflix has no idea who the white supremacists are, and they don't have to worry about it. Twitch has to worry about how how to keep normal people happy while not exiling the shitty people from their platform.
Think about the exec who would have to report to their C level boss that they deplatformed hundreds of thousands of accounts due to racist and shitty behavior. Heads would roll.
This is 100% what they SHOULD do, but when your competition doesn't have to worry about kicking off shitty racist 15 year olds then you do your best not to as well.
I know they keep promising that it will get better, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. I know it's good to have hope for this stuff, but pragmatically I think we are in for years of disappointment.
I don't work for Twitch, and I never have but I've been working adjacent to the platform since it became Twitch and I've seen 9 years of rollercoaster promises and let down. We all want off this ride, but I don't see and end in sight.
It's 2021 and the technology exists to ip ban, to stop people from making alt accounts, to punish people who make racist comments and report people who make death and rape threats to the authorities. They could have been doing this shit for years.
My best guess is that doing these things would remove a huge chunk of people from their user base and they are not a healthy enough platform to do that.
This is why when you cater to racists, to misogynists, to shitty trolls, it's next to impossible to shift your audience away from them. Once you have these people in the bedrock of your community it's hard to remove them without doing serious damage to what you have built.
Think of how many followers and subs some of the most influential streamers would lose. They would freak the fuck out and jump to other platforms. The shitty troll kids pay their top talent and they know that. There is no simple way to remove them from twitch. They are twitch.
I don't have a sound cloud:
Black Lives matter
Trans lives matter
Racism is alive and well
Nazis don't deserve a place in any debate
Be awesome to one another
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