A few thoughts on @ehungerford ‘s Feminist legal analysis of the Biden Executive Order (below or at https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158015597962684&id=510157683) regarding Women’s sex-based rights & the continued existence of the very class of Women as female people, a 🧵
•Grateful that there’s some time, perhaps limitations, and hope— that is so needed.
•Concerning though to have this so rely on the conservative Supreme Court. This keeps the battle firmly in the US culture wars where GC feminists will be seen as aligning with the right—

this is not good for many reasons. Not least of all, as Audre Lorde reminded us, “...we do not live single-issue lives” and as Feminists we, and those we care about, need to not have a conservative dominated Court.

•Having our rights issue won in a conservative Court, while better than losing all together, will paint them as more illegitimate in the eyes of so-called 'progressives', and therefore more susceptible to be being overturned with each change of the Court or Administration.

•Therefore, it is imperative that we work very hard to make the argument from the Feminist Left, trying to convince as many of our representatives along with any of the 'progressive' community that will listen, both that in addition to protecting Women’s sex-based rights,

we care about protecting the rights of all gender nonconforming people— many of us are gnc too— by opposing discrimination based on sex stereotypes, & sexual orientation, no matter their identity. This protects nonconforming LGB & even straights, as well as those with trans

identities. Without forcing us to espouse a belief in gender identity we don’t just not believe in but find harmful.

•We have our work cut out for us. Rights conflicts require negotiation and democracy demands it. Solidarity, sisters & allies, we are going to need it.

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