Favorite Bits of this Dystopia

I love when general statements denouncing hateful racism cause a hateful racist to out and then victimize themself.
I love when a winning political team somehow allows themselves to Lose. Majority. Control. Failing in slow motion.
I love when atrocities are brushed aside, especially the domestic ones.
I love when hypocrisy is noted, published, and promptly ignored without consequence.
I love when a clear cut issue gets twisted and spun until the opposite of public consensus is seriously considered and advocated.
I love when the population straight up ignores creeping authoritarianism, bitches about invasive technology, and then buys the smart speaker anyway.
I love when mental health is used as a cultural buzz word, along with words like mindfulness and holistic health, but real care options are too expensive to utilize in any effective capacity.
I love when people are terrified to lose their jobs so they endure trauma and abuse for insultingly little compensation.
I love when right-wing politicians literally whip up a riot and their cohorts bully the left-wing and dissuade any consequence.
I love when awful people are very clear about their thoughts, feelings, and intentions, and when they do awful things we sit around and say, "How could we have known?"
I love when anyone tries to point out the myriad ways we are all so terribly fucked and people pile on to say, "Why are you so negative??"
I love when international corporations are given the bulk of subsidized monetary funds from our governments.
I love when words lose all meaning and we can't even agree about what is good/better or bad/worse.
I love when our representatives can't resolve their differences to save literally hundreds of thousands of people from death and so much worse.
I love when I turn on the news and ask myself, "How much work and imagination does it take to be this awful?"
I love when conservation advocates are painted as radicals so our government of the lobbyist by the lobbyist for the lobbyist shall not perish from the earth.
I love when several thousand years of data can be twisted to present an impossible outcome, and then if you're clever you can build a cult around that.
I love when our social species is divided from one another. By our media, by technology, and the obvious one of our moment - a pandemic.
I love when the media and government call people "heroes" and that is exactly enough compensation for their sacrifice. Teachers, farmers, medical responders, veterans.
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