The NYT refusing to stand up for its own journalists against bad faith harassment campaigns by the very people who call the free press the “enemy of the people” is shameful.
These types of harassment campaigns, usually led by the right wing press, make up a significant and concerted campaign to silence journalists who are almost always female, queer and/or POC. It’s beyond time for employers to recognize that and stop doing their bidding.
The appropriate response for a publication whose employee is suddenly the subject of a disproportionate and bad faith rightwing harassment campaign:
- pay for a digital privacy service like deleteme
- help screen emails for threats and hate
- provide addtl security if warranted
- provide professional and moral support, including issuing a public statement and making clear to both the employee and their coworkers that becoming a target of harassment was not their fault
- provide adequate time off and health care benefits
The right wing press in this country expends an extraordinary amount of energy singling out “liberal” - ie evidence-based - journalists whom they can target for perceived transgressions.

Publications that give in to them make real reporting on that media apparatus impossible
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