Fine, guess I’ll be the one to say it: the Ranger tab vs. scroll argument is stupid when applied to officers, and here’s why:

1. The top thing that prevents well- qualified tabbed officers from serving in the Regiment is timing. If you don’t hit KD gates in time, you’re SOL.
2. Many, many officers serve in the 75th without doing any door-kicking or face-shooting. An officer with a combat scroll isn’t automatically the next Ralph Puckett. I’ve personally come closer to being killed while wearing a 1st Cav patch than while wearing a scroll.
The Regiment needs staff officers too. Some get line jobs in due time, but some don’t. All jobs in a unit are necessary and important, but man, I have seen some RHHC XO gigs stretched into a lifelong personality.
3. RASP 2 isn’t that hard. If you were fit enough to earn a tab and haven’t let yourself go, you can meet the physical standards. All that’s left after that is being a good dude/dudette under some stress, and getting through a murder board without making an ass of yourself.
Bottom line, the tangible, concrete difference in abilities between a tabbed infantry officer in a regular unit and an infantry officer in the 75th is often pretty thin when you get down to it. Most officers who are capable of earning a tab are capable of serving in the Regiment.
I was fortunate enough to spend 4 1/2 years in that organization largely because I was lucky with career timing, and because I stayed in shape after earning my tab. I was never, by any means, a badass. There are officers who’ve never worn a scroll that are 1000x better than me.
So if you’re an infantry officer who’s served in the Regiment, don’t be a prick about it. If you’re a tabbed infantry officer who hasn’t, be proud of that tab you earned. The school sucks the same for a 2LT as for a batt boy.
This is by no means an endorsement of any policies or positions held by any Senator from Arkansas.
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