How the media treats a devout Catholic versus how the media treats a pro-abortion Catholic-in-name-only
Lest we forget, the media roundly mocked Amy Coney Barrett's Catholicism. Her adherence to Catholic principle was used to suggest that she was unfit to be a Supreme Court justice. People suggested her large family was extreme and that she adopted her children for show.
Kamala Harris suggested that those who subscribe to mainstream Catholic doctrine may be unfit for office when she evaluated Brian Buescher for a Nebraska district judge seat in 2018. Dianne Feinstein suggested the same thing to ACB during her 2017 confirmation hearings.
Bottom line: most media and many high profile Democrats are religiously illiterate -- but they are incredibly hostile to real Catholicism. That should tell you a lot.
Catholicism isn't wishy washy. There are hard & fast rules. If you break them, you're not allowed to receive Holy Communion until you repent and go to confession. Some sins are worse than others (mortal vs. venial). Catholics believe that if you die in mortal sin, you go to hell.
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