While millions of Americans are out of work, and many working Americans suffer from COVID-19 they contracted while working on a factory line, @SpeakerPelosi has more than doubled her $500K-$1 million invested in $TSLA call options she purchased December 22nd.
This is surprising given that @SpeakerPelosi is the representative from San Francisco, *California*, the state that $TSLA CEO Elon Musk A) threatened over enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions; B) sued (Alameda County); and C) left for Texas to avoid paying California taxes.
It's also surprising because the Speaker of the House has somehow found time to *invest in stock options, almost exclusively of technology companies, during a pandemic and the worst political crisis since the Civil War*. Not just stocks. Options. But it gets worse.
It is no secret that Facebook $FB dramatically accelerated the spread of disinformation surrounding the 2016 *and* 2020 elections, which ultimately led to the events on January 6, 2021—in which a mob sought to assassinate @SpeakerPelosi and her colleagues. And yet.
It is fair to say that @SpeakerPelosi had literally invested millions of dollars in the company that nearly brought about her own demise, and the demise of the country she swore an oath to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.
How can anyone do that when invested in the enemy's stocks and options?

Congress needs to divest from individual stocks IMMEDIATELY. Options trading should be forbidden for anyone working for the federal government. Period.
Value investing and speculation has a time and a place. For active members of Congress, the time is NEVER and the place is NOT THE CAPITOL.

CC: @POTUS @CREWcrew @AOC @ewarren
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