And I'll go ahead and start a thread of things that WOULD potentially be useful to autistic people:

A watch that:
Reminds you if you haven't eaten in 4 hours.
Reminds you to drink water.

Helps organize your schedule for you.
Provide you with a way to show you your tasks 1/
Tells you if an environment is too loud for you and reminds you to wear ear protection.
Tells you if an environment is too bright for you and reminds you to wear sunglasses.
Provides an easy, organized way to look at your finances. 2/
Explains to neurotypical people that you can't talk when you're having a shutdown, and what to do.

If an NT asks you a question, the watch uses text-to-speech and reads it out to them. The text is customizable to the autistic person. 3/
If a fire alarm goes off, the watch recognizes the sound and sends a text to a person you know so they can check on you and make sure you are okay/able to get out of the building if you're frozen in place without ear protection. 4/
A watch that provides a TTY service for emergencies so that you can talk to people who are on the phone without actually talking.

I could keep going, but you see my point.

There are SO many more important things than "Ask your classmate how she's doing."

Life-saving things. 5/
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