everyone probably has a sense of the movie goodfellas, but you may not know this:
goodfellas is based off of a book called wiseguy, written by nicholas pileggi. pileggi was married to, of all people, nora ephron (who wrote "when harry met sally" and many others). 1/
now, pileggi was interviewing "henry hill" for the book, and nora obviously heard about the story and ran across henry and the like. pileggi, obviously, wrote the story you all know.

ephron took all of this story in, and wrote a screenplay called my blue heaven. 2/
hj and i watched goodfellas last night and my blue heaven tonight, and i cannot describe how surreal it is to do this doubleheader knowing that they're technically about the same man. my blue heaven is an incredibly, adorably stupid film, and goodfellas is gritty murderfest. 4/
now hj took this thought in an interesting direction: same story, but a white cis man looked at it and thought "murder! women! glamorous lifestyle and suits!" and a woman looked at it and went "wait, he wound up in some suburb? that's fucking hilarious. 5/
anyway, i recommend doing this double feature if you can - both are really good movies, and everybody is pretty much perfectly cast, and the cognitive dissonance between ray liotta's asshole and steve martin's over the top dickweed is pretty fun.

happy watching <3 /end
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