Its 40 minutes long but this is one of the most enlightening lectures on social media i've ever seen and well worth the watch.
at around the 25/26 minute mark he gets into the concept of "moral outrage porn" which he compares to food porn/organizational porn and its basically the idea that people use moral outrage to make themselves feel good on social media+
this leads them to 1) expose themselves to content that outrages them so they can get that outrage high 2) simplify their moral systems so that they can be outraged more easily.
so when we talk about "sh00ter accounts" or victimizers on here what we're really seeing is a bunch of outrage addicts farming the rest of us for a response.
Of course the most dangerous part is how it twists your morality and judgement once you get in the cycle and honestly the lectures drifts close enough to UGH at some parts that I half wonder if the members were familiar with his work.
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