Here we go: I just spent 8 min telling my husband why Ep 7 is my favorite: the love story, the lighting, the cinematography, the costumes, the set design, the beautiful butts, the culmination in the gorgeous love that’s blossoming between Jamie & Claire....

My husband:
Me: isn’t she beautiful?

H: They squashed her boobs.

Me: everyone’s boobs were squashed back then shhhh
Me: why did you agree to marry me?

H: Agree? I asked you. Why did you agree?

Me: To keep you safe 💀lol seemed like a good idea at the time idk

God she’s gorgeous
😂😂 my husband heard him say “I thought you do it the back way” and immediately added “like horses” 💀💀💀 WHAT HORSES YOU GREW UP IN DETROIT 😂
This man is arguing that Claire is a bigamist FRANK IS NOT ALIVE YET we have both agreed if we travel back in time we are free to marry any hot people we like. This offer also applies to CaitrĂ­ona Balfe at any time should she happen to fall for either of us.
I was like this is the hottest line ever: “fair’s fair...” with that Scottish accent...đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

Husband: Wait which one are you into, I’m confused I thought it was Caitríona.

Me: They are both gorgeous, but I’m Team Caitríona with all the other married straight women ok
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