This term, thanks to encouragement + examples from @Jessifer @OnlineCrsLady @CharlesJSchmidt, & others. I'm doing a ton of self-grading activities. One go-getter just submitted 1 of 4 research assignments for my queer history class. The self grading/reflection questions are (1/4)
--What did you learn by completing this assignment?
--Thinking about this assignment, what makes you proud? What did you do particularly well?
--Thinking about this assignment, where is there room for improvement? (2/4)
--Is there anything I should know about your experience working on the assignment?
--Thinking about your submission and these questions, what grade would you assign your assignment [with a basic description of A-F] (3/4)
--Are there any other questions, concerns, or comments you have about this assignment?

I'm really excited to see what all happens with this. The go-getting who submitted today (week one!) answered these questions very thoughtful and graded harder than I did! (4/4)
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