Being weak on one sin means you're weak on your own. It's codependency. Bargaining away the Scriptures. If we let the sodomites, we can be adulterers.
All of you who compromise God's law are adulterers, pornographers and voyeurs. Liars and oath breakers and divorced and fornicating. Murderers.
And you don't want to go to Hell for it. So like children, you think you can make it all ok by just pretending, and accepting everyone else's lies, for fear of your own being out.
God forgives you. You just have to believe.
But belief means admitting you're a sinner. And that you deserve Hell. And faith means "not being sure it will save me, because I would have to trust something outside myself."
It's a fear from trauma and being betrayed, and guilt from having betrayed.
The amazing good news is that's ok. You don't have to feel the weight of judgement for that guilt if you trust in Jesus. But to trust in Jesus you have to agree to be judged as you are.
No lies. And once the spirit is in you, you can't lie to yourself so easily. And you understand the truths of God. And you see that to end the trauma that breaks people, we have to return to God's law. We've tried it without for 4 generations, and it's a disaster.
So, if you want forgiveness and to rest in the perfect work of Jesus, please, please come to Him in faith and let go.
If you can't? Stop pretending you're a Christian at least. Don't be a liar on top of the rest.
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