✨♏︎✨ Scorpio's archetype as the home of Mars, the detriment of Venus and the fall of the Moon: A THREAD ✨♏︎✨
I didn't plan on making another one of these after the Virgo one (check it out under my pinned tweet if you wanna read it) but I love Scorpio and I'd like to explain its archetype using the essential dignities too. So, just like in the Virgo thread:
This is the description of ***the archetype***.

You are a person, you're much more complex than this and you have an entire chart with different planets and signs that might contradict what this thread says in some ways. If you have Scorpio placements this thread might not
resonate entirely because like I said: this is the description of the archetype; it's not in the context of any particular human being & the complexities they embody.
So... Scorpio the Scorpion.

As the home of Mars this sign is master of silent destruction. It analyzes anything's and anyone's defenses and is primarily concerned with having an impenetrable defense against it and an effective and merciless offense second.
Why defense first, you ask? They're a fixed sign. Their energy is best and most comfortably used in the unyielding maintenances of their defenses instead of in the taxing process of inflicting attacks. Although they can do both just fine, of course.
Watery Scorpio knows that protecting their vulnerability and the very intuition that detected the threat in the first place, along with their own weaknesses, will prevent any outside attack from being successful. Whether it's at that moment, or in the future.
Scorpio only attacks if provoked. The skilled warrior Martian trait shows in their knowledge and awareness that preserving energy is of upmost importance, that, as powerful as it might be, channeling their emotions into action is draining and that it should only be done when it's
1. absolutely necessary
2. when the blow will have it's most lethal effect

It's meticulous & effective, paying attention to every detail before acting by making sure their prey is drawn to them instead of having to chase after it. (Hello fixidity again, and hello magnetic rep)
Mars asserts, severs, acts and harms. It is determination and the power of sheer will.

Watery Scorpio wields their emotions, intuition & sharply-tuned senses to scan, detect and eliminate possible threats that might be hiding deep under the surface of the most harmless looking
of things.

This is where their intimidating reputation comes from. Nobody likes being scrutinized like bacteria under a microscope, but Scorpio has priorities. And as Martian, protection, self-preservation & survival will always be their priority.
Its fixed water nature that allows it to find the darkest crevices of things and situations. Guided by raw instinct, they dive into the deepest, ugliest parts most don't like to, or can, dive to and keep what they find to themselves.
Secretive. Because Scorpio knows knowledge is power, they can either take that power themselves or let someone else have it over them and for Mars, letting someone else dominate it is simply not an option. Mars takes and keeps advantage. Mars wins.
Transformative. Because who can consistently see and know of the ugliest, darkest things in life, and not be continually changed in some way? Not Scorpio... or anyone.
Scorpio draws their power and determination from feeling. As water signs, they'll channel their moods into what needs to be done, powering through any task by pure determination fueled by emotions.
Emotions are their tool and they know just how to bend them to their will.
But what happens if you're always on high alert, guard up and on the look out for threats? You get no rest and no comfort, that's what.

These are the Moon's concerns. Rest, comfort, safety, relaxation, self-care, emotions and the raw vulnerability in them.
Scorpio doesn't rest. It doesn't relax. In their Martian minds, danger and threat are everywhere and they must shield themselves against it and be ready to attack at all times.

It's no surprise the Moon is fallen here, there is certainly no safety in any of that.
In emotional processing, they're most comfortable weaponizing their emotions, putting them into action as fuel; not basking in the vulnerability of feeling with no ulterior purpose.
Where the Moon says: "I will lay here, cry if I must and I will wait until I feel better later", Scorpio says: "So you just... won't do anything? How can you sit there and not maximize the potential feeling has?"
To Scorpio, advantage must be taken and maintained at all costs.

How can you do that if you're letting your feelings simply flow and waste away instead of grabbing them by the reins and using them for it?
Now, in this same process and Martian principle of advantage, everything is fair game.

There is no consideration, or compromise or fairness or civility or pleasantries. There is no light-hearted play for fun.

That's all Venusian territory.
So it's also no surprise Venus is in detriment here.

For Scorpio there is only playing to win, to dominate, to show who's boss. There is no compromise or pleasantries. Mars does anything to win.

Venus doesn't like that.
Relationships, human connection, enjoyment, indulgence, are all things Scorpio does not know how to do.

There is only so much enjoyment and indulgence you can have while watching your back and surroundings all the time.
To establish true human connection, there is a level of vulnerability and sincerity needed. An openness.

Scorpio believes anyone trying to get close only wants to do so to know their weaknesses and take advantage of them. It is what they themselves do after all.
Of course Venus struggles here. How do you connect someone who's naturally mistrustful of everyone around them, with others?
Scorpio struggles to find pleasure, also a Venusian topic, because it requires lowering their defenses.

Something they're rarely, if ever, willing to do.
Venus can be superficial at times, particularly when she's concerned with pleasantries and charming her way into being liked.

Scorpio hates that.
Where she says: "So, what do you do for a living?", Scorpio goes: "Why are you even bothering with that? Don't you want to know the thoughts that keep them awake at night? The things they don't tell anyone ever?"
There's much more that could be said but I'm gonna wrap it up here lol.

In conclusion, Scorpio is simply too concerned with self-preservation and survival to take time to relax and enjoy things
so it's no wonder the sweetest planets are weak here but hopefully by painting the picture you understand why.
✨ The End ✨

If you read it all the way down here, thank you.
Also remember that like I said at the start, in the context of a chart & a person, it's much more complicated.
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