🐾1. All the pets and hoomans too are asking when we’re moving to the #WhiteHouse. Because there are many logistical details to be worked out, it’s gonna take a couple of days, if not more. Plus, we each have our own security detail now to pawtect us from cosplay terrorists.
🐾2. By logistical details we mean not only organizing the move & all it entails, but also that Winston - not COTUS - our Secretary of Fumigation & Ritual Cleansing is still hard at work to prepare the WH fur our arrival. We have sensitive noses so the pawcess is very complex.
🐾3. Just to avoid any misunpawrstanding, our outloook on life is 💯 purrcent #science based. But there are some rare instances where a bit of sage can go a long way to clear purrsistant stenches which would otherwise hurt our little noses. 🖖
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