Here's my spicy hot take and then I'll be done tweeting for a lil bit. I don't think I am still single because I am ugly or dumb or awkward. I think I am still single because I am beautiful and intelligent and self-aware and I ask a whole lot of whoever my partner would be.
I am simply remarkable and guess what? Not many men are up for the challenge of rising up to meet me in my fullness instead of implicitly assuming I will be small so they can be big.
There's nothing "wrong" or more wrong with me because I am "still single" at 32. Nope. Is God refining me? you bet! Do I have unrealistic and romantic ideas about marriage because I've never experienced it firsthand--you betcha! How could I not?!
The world will always treat me like I have a defect or am less mature because I am single. But I know the truth: I'm actually more mature for it.
And I wanna tag my sisters here who get it: @Emmi_shane @HollyStallcup @JBsTwoCents and many more I am forgetting: you all remind me of my greatness because you all are radiant.
And if this thread sounds a little too self-congratulatory, I wrote it because I've been feeling depressed that statistically speaking women who are White are more likely to get married than non-White women (like myself). And this grieves me deeply.
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