Meet Stephen.
Aged 15.
3 secondary school placements. Described as aggressive, flying off the handle for no reason, huffy, hard to cajole, nothing works with him (its all on his terms), easily irritated.

Talk to Stephen. Hear what he says.

Let's meet Stephen, again... 1/3
2/3 He's a boy who expresses big emotions, he ruminates alot. He castrophises - a small issue (to us) plays on his mind all day. A small disagreement with mum worries him all day, it shadows every decision he makes. His levels of anxiety are high, DAILY.

What helps Stephen...
✅Reduce demands
✅15mins in the AM with a trusted adult to offload (worry time)
✅The opportunity to call home for reassurance all is ok (concrete reassurance)
✅'Heavy work' in the garden (sensory, emot reg)
#Listen #Reassure #support #WorkTogether #autism
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