There's more than 42,000+ viewers watching the Twitch Participation Ceremony on the offical @Twitch channel now. Users in chat are spewing hate speech & harassing the guest streamers. 3 mod names in the chat list but since I've been watching, have seen ZERO messages get deleted.
I am unfathomably angry at the lack of protection and care @Twitch shows its marginalized creators.

MODERATE YOUR CHANNELS. Enforce your own terms of service. I can't even watch & enjoy this stream because I'm spending my time reporting every hateful, harassing comment I see.
Hey @Twitch: how DARE you continuously put creators who are most at risk to be harassed and targeted in the spotlight and do NOTHING to help enforce your own TOS against those who harass them. How hard is it to have even ONE person moderate these official Twitch streams?
Time & time again, this is what I see with content on @Twitch official channels:

Chat has some nice folk, some hateful folk breaking TOS. No moderation occurs. The nice folk get quiet or leave.

The audience you're left with is what YOU'VE cultivated with your lack of action.
So what I take away from this is: the people who are comfortable in your spaces, @Twitch, are the loud, hateful ones who break your own TOS and get away with it. And you let them. And by doing so, you drive away the rest of us who can't stomach watching it happen over and over.
You can follow @negaoryx.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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