Thank you & ❤ to everyone for your support, laughs, kind messages & DM's . I'm feeling way better. Turns out the new medication i was trying & the new increase was way to much & put me in a tailspin & actually heightened everything it was supposed to help w/ added side-effects!
And boy was I ever in a dark place. I became a zombie, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, didn't want to leave my bedroom, beyond panic attacks & anxiety, didn't want to talk to anyone plus new side effects of depression, being apathetic, aggressive, angry and zero energy.
If you are ever placed on new medication for anxiety, panic attacks, social disorders and/or depression, mania etc, I've been told its normal to adjust & increase your meds to find a good balance and it will take your body time to adjust and there may be some side effects but..
I was going to push through and was actually supposed to increase meds again today to 3x from when I started. But I was able to recognize that the "side effects" i was having wasn't "normal".

I called my doctor thinking he would tell me just to push through & I was ready
To fight with him.Turned out he agreed and we lowered me back down to 1 low dose. Within 24 hrs I went from this person I didn't recognize back to myself but with less anxiety, happier and my energy has returned.
I was going to delete the original post cuz I was almost ashamed
Ashamed that I posted & admitted PUBLICLY i had anxiety, ptsd, social phobia and panic attacks. I stigmatized myself!
And then I thought screw it! I've got nothing to be ashamed of, why? Cuz #MentalHealthMatters hell I'm lucky I'm even alive.
So I decided to tell you & share my thoughts on it

- Be an advocate for yourself there is #noshame

- Don't let others tell you how you are suppose to feel or you're being irrational
- Reach out for help
- Be kind to yourself
- Be supportive of people when they do reach out
- If you think/feel someone may be going through some thing ASK without judgement & gently suggest getting help& let them know its ok to do so

- If meds are not helping or make you feel worse then the hell you were already in TALK TO YOUR DOC, GO TO EMERG do what you need to do
And finally...
We need to "normalize" #Mentalhealth like we do other medical issues.

#Mentalhealth doesn't mean you're crazy, not a good person & you offer no value to a job, relationships, society or yourself.

And yes it can manifest physical symptoms too not just mental.
What it does mean is you may need some help, maybe meds or just to talk.There IS help out there. You don't have to suffer & feel ashamed & if others judge or walk away from you because of it, then that's on them NOT you or maybe they suffer silently too & feel ashamed still
#Mentalhealth can arise in every social class, age, gender & family at ANYTIME to ANYONE. You are NOT immune,there is no one fix cure or real clear cut line someone needs help but recognizing it let's you be an advocate for yourself or someone you care about
#Mentalhealth "rules" are simple. It has many faces, no borders & doesn't discriminate.

We all need to learn & apply those same rules by recognizing that there are MANY faces, it really has NO borders & we must STOP discriminating against those who are dealing with it.
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