Types of Men I dated, Been in a Relationship With, or Have Known in my life- a thread
The Hot/Cold Type:
One day he is choosing your wedding playlist with you, and the second he acts like you’re work colleagues. When cornered, this type almost always says he has a lot on his plate and flips the table on u being selfish and inconsiderate.
The Sad Type:
This type although probably really loves you, has no ability to release any serotonin, and doesn’t believe in medication or therapy. He’s either too sad he shuts off for a few days, or too sad and cannot rest until he makes you one too. Mostly a good guy.
The Big Ego - Micro D*** Energy Type:
He really believes that he can get any woman he wants. It works until he spends 15mins talking about his career, and his unbelievable week in Berlin! Handsome, but maybe been through no trauma so 0 personality (in reference to that tiktok)
The Sweet to You, But Mean to Ppl Type:
You have a date and it’s heaven on earth. Then he treats the waiter like shit, the Valet driver like shit, his mother calling him like shit. When you tell him you’re not interested, guess who gets treated like shit too?
The Mr.Know It All Type:
Politics, Religion, Surgery, Nuclear sciene, he knows it all. He always has an answer, regardless if you asked or not. Instead of saying yes let’s hang; he says I agree that we should work on spending further quality time together to understand each other
The Artist Type:
Happy Easy Life. No commitment to absolutely anything but his art. Wants to chill, smoke, drink, and do nothing. The second you ask the What are We question, he draws you a portrait and kisses your forehead goodbye.
The Hopeless Romantic Type:
Very romantic and sweet. Showers u with cheesy gestures all the time. ALL THE FRKN TIME. Wants to spend time with you more than ur mama. Then gets too clingy, and starts saying weird things like, I think u changed, it takes u 7 mins to pick up now.
The Player Type:
You fall instantly for him because he knows what to say. He’s usually attractive. One day tells you, you’re the one that I want, then you see him in a restaurant with another girl saying the exact same thing. Breaks your heart very deeply.
The Religious Type:
Tells you I’m not really religious at first, then indirectly insinuate that u need to work on your Hijab. Your dress is revealing. Did you pray today? By the end of the relationship, you’re an infidel and he cannot marry anyone who isn’t a real Muslim.
The Foreigner Type:
Something from outside your culture, that is so instantly interesting, but then unrelatable to and the language switch is just too much of an effort.
The Internet Lover:
You meet online and things are going absolutely amazing. You hate that you cannot see him, but you both decide to stay until u meet. A few weeks in, conversations fade, and when you are in their country, they text u, u here? And you respond with yup. That’s it
The “I Don’t Judge But” Type:
He acts so open minded and progressive. He gets to a point he’s a feminist too. Then leaves you because he has to marry someone his mom chose.
The “You Have No Idea I’m Married” Type:
You meet up and it’s going great. You meet up a few times more, and you think to yourself: finally! One night u notice u havent checked his Facebook before. Status: Married to Fofo.
The Decent Type:
You have amazing conversations and a lot in common. Respectful and kind, and knows how to be a good friend. Either you marry him, or u become best friends.
Disclaimer: I have deep respect to all of them. They’re not on Twitter so they shouldn’t be offended, and mostly won’t know its them. That’s all folks!
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