As someone who has dealt with Tourette’s their whole life, this seems like a good learning moment.

95% of “Tourette’s” isn’t the swear uncontrollably type. It’s tics, twitches, and jerks in your body.

It’s incredibly common and chances are you know someone with tics...
...I’ve long been at peace with my tics, and happy to be completely open about them, but they are an incredibly socially challenging to suffer with. I didn’t even know it was “Tourette’s” until my 30’s. But the more people that are aware and understanding, the better...
...functionally it’s a social target and oddity for people to make fun, but on the flipside it’s nit without benefits. All the people I know that have them are incredibly creative people, and very intelligent.

If you have Tourette’s, it shouldn’t define you.
Lastly, I’d like to point out that while Hollywood and culture often portrays Tourette’s in a goofy, misguided light, there is one example that I find incredibly honest, and that’s Wreck it Ralph. That’s why I always cry to it
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