I'm sticking my paw up to say something that some may find controversial.
If someone on here is asking for money, you are in no way obligated to give money.
If someone also makes you feel bad because you haven't given them money, maybe stop and assess the situation.
I am seeing more and more emotional manipulation from non charity based accounts to give them cash.
I understand people are in hard times, I really do, but if no one is able to give, it should be taken at face value. No amount of private messaging or emailing need occur.
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Now, there are real charities out there, and with very little work you can confirm the legitimacy of a request.
There are also private individuals who are in need and reaching out is a life line. Totally acceptable.
Badgering and bullying people is just not on.
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I dont often do this kind of tweet, but today has got right under my fur and I've had it up to my chin.

I cant stand bullying and emotional manipulation. It just plain sucks. And I don't like people being taken advantage of. Keep your brain switched on if your
Feels are being targeted.

Keep safe. Be kind. Meow.

I'm going away again. Just had to say it. You know.
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