This isn't totally surprising behavior from Republicans, but then it also is in some ways. Biden has been reluctant to call for Senate Dems to nuke the filibuster, but if it looks like his agenda will die in a GOP Senate—including COVID relief—they may force his hand.
Biden doesn't want to be a footnote in history, but that becomes likelier if he needs 60 votes for every bill. And voters won't care about excuses related to procedural hurdles; they want to see results. The more Biden's agenda is delayed, the less likely it materializes.
Also, if Republicans want to indefinitely delay any Democratic effort to abolish the filibuster, why pick a fight on the very first agenda item—COVID relief, which both parties basically agree needs to happen?
Point being: Republicans may be underestimating Biden's/Democrats' willingness to scrap the filibuster, and by being this intransigent right out of the gate, they may be tempting fate.
Good thread that echoes a lot of this. Jentleson appears prepared to be a thorn in the side of Biden and Democrats until they start seriously entertaining getting rid of the filibuster.
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