Hello cat Twitter. Im Matt. Here's a little thread about online scamming..

Since arriving in November, I have found this little corner of twitter to be a great relief in difficult times. It's full of warm compassionate people with a common feline interest.
There are comedies, cuteness and the occasional splattering of tragedy. It is a testament to the people here that so many are given joy from the stories told and so many people are given comfort telling their stories.
Another place I once saw this was in the online gaming world, in an earlier life I saw a similar community. These relationships were more than pixels, people found joy in interacting with others online. However, also in the online gaming world were acts of nastiness and spite.
Friends for years would run off with your money, or gang up and kill you on the game for profit.

You learnt that although you could meet great people online and share the experience, at the same time the real person behind that character could be someone very different.
Someone you wouldn't want to associate with or someone who would take advantage of you.

Take the opening post for an example, my name is not Matt, it's Tom.
However, you've read this post as a post from Matt. You don't know me, my life or my situation but that fine. I just post pictures of Molly being (mostly) cute or naughty!

You can like me or follow me and it won't affect you in your real life.
Where the line is crossed is if I start affecting your life. What if I tell you Molly is sick? I can't afford your vets bills and I need some money? Remember above! I could be anyone. Your reading this with your minds eye on my cute kitten.
Not the perfectly comfortable 34yr old man on his sofa, watching a new flatscreen and drinking single malt.

As I said before, this is a lovely community.
However, its strengths unfortunately leave it open to a weakness. The weakness being, how emotive and compassionate it is leave it open to scammers. YOU are a SOFT TARGET!
Furthermore, although misrepresentation or misappropriation of funds from a charitable cause is a crime, there is little accountability for personal fundraisers online. Unlike giving to a registered charity, you can't see their use of funds or their P&L.
You could literally be donating to your next door neighbour who drives the new land rover.
Therefore I recommend as strongly as I can, to NOT donate to any personal fundraising campaign on here. Buy merchandise, pay for a picture of your cat by all means but make sure it's from an established site like Etsy or redbubble.
Or if you just want to donate money to a good cause. Donate to a registered charity who's books are thoroughly scoured by accountants and who you know will support the cause they are stating.
Let's keep this the great place it is and make sure there is no room for people who are more than willing to take advantage of it.

Thanks, Tom ( or am I?)
You can follow @Mollyferalkit.
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