I have to do a mini-thread about where my Twitter account is, compared to two years ago.

Bear with me, this isn’t some ego-stroking “wonder of me” post.

At the beginning of 2019, I had just lost a congressional race — it’s fair to say I was barely even a candidate. I was

an “also-ran,” a candidate in a field of 7; I had run for Federal office as a protest against corporate politics and “old boy networks.”

So, I looked around for ways to improve my outreach. I wanted to fight for progress, not establishment politics.

I had this verified

Twitter account, as well as a more-complete understanding of how insular this world is - I had no interest in joining corrupt institutions, with a view of internal reform - I wanted to start our platform with the understanding that the vox populi is the only method

I would embrace. So, this little account began to grow - from around 800 followers in Jan. of 2019 to where it is now, and growing.

Along the way, I ran again. Making friends from all over the country, messaging, networking, fundraising - the message never changed:

We are

The working class. The everyday voters.

That’s the simple summary.

As I grew, I remained me - accessible, open, willing to tackle any subject.

As the numbers rise, I didn’t change, but how I deal with *volume* HAS - I wish I could answer every comment, & like; I can’t.

I’ve tried.

And so, it is now noted and noteworthy if I *don’t* interact with a user, or respond to DM; it’s not a sign of indifference, I assure you. It’s just volume (you should see my daily DM/email/text requests).

My raison d’etre has not shifted. I am still here for

Each and every person out there; I do what I can.

The mission is unchanged: make the world better for everyone, especially those who heretofore have not had a voice.

If you’ll be my voice, I’ll be yours.

Enjoy the weekend. ✌️💙🇺🇸

You can follow @RobAnderson2018.
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