this is the problem with supposedly revolutionary organizing in the imperial core: the contemporary marxists have reduced communist struggle (socialism) to meaningless, unwinnable economic battles with bosses over capitalist fabrications like wages.
i understand the appeal of this liberal messaging, no one likes to be stolen from.

but the issue of capital is far more insidious than theft and the implication that capitalists are not evil men “in top hats, burning libraries, and creating misery factories” is anti-dialectical.
more fundamentally, capitalism is not merely the putting forward of money to set workers into motion — not merely the contemporary exchange of value, as value can be exchanged on a consensual, interpersonal level.

this is a revisionist stance and should be combatted at all times
capitalism is a system of organization for delivery of surplus value to the State itself and away from those who create the value and do not occupy the State so that the people who own all the capital can retain their power. not to make more money, money is an abstract thing.
Look around; it is the nature of a capitalist society to replace such abstract assertions of wealth with even more abstract assertions of power; both in individual liberty and the ability to affect policy at the maximum point. This value exchange allows the capitalists to collect
unchallenged political say in the distribution of liberty — rights, laws, & (anti)regulation. The capitalist state acts as a knight of the profiteer class; championing the reallocation of money replace that which was once an natural ideal. The state is an extension of capital.
by substituting the reciprocity of service for the reward of capital, the bourgeoisie has magnificently displaced all previous occupations concerning formerly humanist spheres.

What is most important is that capitalist society is not simply an issue of power.
Practically, communism aims to subjugate the bourgeoisie: as an act of global self-defense, and justice.

The issue is that the bourgeoisie has morphed the most paramount of philosophical virtues (individual value and the necessary service to others that results from this value)
into a material one predicated on the possession of an arbitrary commodity that it refuses to distribute; reducing what was once an egalitarian value- the idea of reward for service in society- to the false value of“wealth” as the only metric of worth for the individual.
The capitalists have established that the notion of wealth is the expound factor for control (“control” as denoted by the regulation of a financial economy and, thus, command over the lives of others); shaping a dehumanizing and tyrannical command over the people.
the imperial core is haunted by a culture in which deeply immoral competition rules all who participate in a never-ending cycle to “elevate” one’s self through means that are immaterial or, worse, colonial.

( #FightFor15, #GND, #M4All require super exploitation of the colonized)
The capitalists have fabricated the superficial prose of accumulation/ consumption of goods to place dangerous importance on the value of life as regarding personal effects; nurturing a philosophy of complicity wherein people accept and gleefully agree w dehumanization to live.
The capitalist class violently — and by violently i mean through genocide — morphs the structuring of society in their favor whenever it chooses to ordain an unnatural predisposition toward wealth in the masses, forcing them to rely on it as the expound mechanism for survival.
(Reform can be strategic. but only if the meaning of victory for the colonized and working classes isn’t reduced to the winning of reforms, reduced to reformism.
“The Marxists are definitely in the lead of making practical use of reforms... painstakingly developing every step beyond reformism in the direct, immediate, ‘day-to-day’ activity of propaganda, organization, agitation, and mass economic struggle.”

—Lenin, Marxism and Reformism)
It is for this reason that reforms to the work place/processes of capitalist civilization (increased wages, expanded healthcare [not universal, that’s key], workers co-ops, etc) would only function to further entrench the colonized masses in neo-feudal fascist settler-colonialism
without a fundamental reorganization of the state, the increased wages of (mostly white) workers in the imperial core would require more work from, and thus more exploitation of, colonized people because they are the ones who produce all the material that workers turn into goods.
without a fundamental reorganization of the state, medicare for all would be forced to choose who and who not to care for through means testing, which invariably— as a matter of historical fact — excludes the most vulnerable, unemployable (BIPOC) segments of civilization.
without a fundamental reorganization of the state, workers co-ops, especially among the advanced strata of the working class (in banks, on wall street, at silicon valley, the industrial proletariat) will only function to produce even more exaggerated class antagonisms.
by toeing the line that the chief contradiction under capital is between bosses and employees, pretending the issue is not between the landed and unlanded classes — between the indigenous and the settlers, the colonized and colonizers —we obfuscate liberation w liberal democracy
the issue of capital then is not that it makes us poor; poverty is a capitalist fabrication that doesn’t exist within any other context. the issue of capitalism isn’t even power.

the issue of capitalism is that it makes us unfree. that it chains us. enslaves us. murders us.
the issue of capital is that it relies on the literal destruction of people.

the issue of capital is that it exists on the bones and wombs of the colonized proletariat.

the issue of capital is that, at the end of it, there is genocide. (Discourse on Colonialism by Aimé Césaire)
if the marxists-leninists in the imperial core claim to labor on utopia, the heaven for which they long is decadent. the gains they will earn will be on the backs the indigenous. and the air after their victory will reek of the rot of my people.
socialism is not economics!

it is the scientific processes which produce communist praxis. period.

anything less than an unbridled and violent rebuke of capitalism is a war cry of those soft-imperialists who have something to gain from “exploitation”.
until imperialism is wiped out structurally and philosophically, in all of its forms, especially within or organizations — the communism that the contemporary MLs think they’re fighting for will not win and what’s left of the indigenous people will be erased from the world.
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